If you share our ideals, you can join our organization
The Council of Teachers of Martial Arts in Spain is not your convetional martial arts organization..
Our organization does not organize championships, does not issue titles Black Belt or Dans, NO panty titles or sell them; so obviously economic gain is not what this organization is about.
We want to protect the ethical values of martial arts and their traditional way of teaching, always based on honesty of masters, the effort and overcoming. These values have always been instituted in the martial arts; we believe in them and want to remain so.
We are searching the truth, the authenticity of things and absolutely do not share the fraud, the sale or exchange of titles on the Internet.
If you are a teacher or student and share these ideals with us, you can apply to join the Council of Masters of Martial Arts of Spain.
For this we need you to send us the membership application documents by e-mail which you can download from this website. We also need pictures of all your titles so we can verify the correct trajectory in the martial arts. Your documents need to be genuine, and the persons who have titles handed out by dounbtful organizations will not be accepted.
After verifying your documents and everything is in order, we´ll notify you by e-mail. This e-mail also includes an accountnumber where you can transfer 25 € for membership.
Once the fee paid, we will send home a certificate of registered partner and an emblem to use on his uniform as a sign of adherence to the Council of Teachers of Martial Arts of Spain.
The membership fee is used to cover the costs of its own cost of the emblem, certificate, packing and shipping.
Know that also contemplate a form completely FREE membership in which you will not receive anything, but appear in our records and on the map of partners.
Although our organization mainly aims to bring together teachers of Spanish-speaking countries, also we accept teachers from other places who identify with our ideals and want to be part of our institution.

Documents to Join